introducing the

2024 Women’s Space Awards

Awarded annually each spring to honor the outstanding contributions made by women in space. This year, we received an overwhelmingly positive response with 150+ nominations from over 35 countries.

make an impact



Vote here

Enter email address to vote. Voting Open through May 24th.

"This recognition not only highlights my contributions and dedication within my field but also amplifies my voice and the issues I advocate for, such as promoting diversity in STEM and space education."

Basuti Gerty Bolo

"Being recognized in the Women’s Space Awards validates the hard work and passion that I invest every day in the space field, opening doors to new opportunities and communities."

Laura Mulas

“From this nomination, I have already had many aspiring scientists reach out to me to thank me for being visible in the field, as well as grown my professional network with those in the field.”

Emily Rickman


Space exploration presents unique challenges that require the combined efforts of many talented individuals, in and outside of STEM careers. WAN strives to support everyone in the aerospace industry as we work together to drive innovation and solve the world's most complex challenges.

NASA Engineer, Holly Pascal, founded WAN after recognizing the need for a supportive community in aerospace after she struggled to find an aerospace network for career growth. This led her to establish WAN to provide a platform for people worldwide making progress in space exploration.

In January 2024, the Women’s Aerospace Network was born out of a demand for community and support among women working in the aerospace industry. We quickly gained over 6,000 subscribers to the world’s first Women’s Aerospace Magazine and a dedicated following of equal size on social media in the first three months. And we continue to grow faster every day.

 Interested in JOINING?


Join our Community

If you're looking to connect with like-minded individuals and participate in discussions within the aerospace field, joining our community on social media is the #1 way to get involved.

Submit an Article

The world’s first Women’s Aerospace Magazine is launching in August. The magazine quickly gained over 6,000 subscribers in our first three months of the waitlist.

Be a Podcast Guest

Empowering conversations. Inspiring journeys. Find your place in space through insights from scientists to marketing strategists, doctors, executives, artists, and more. Launching in June.